Monday, January 13, 2014

Wah How to use "Whereas"

We know that we can use while for contrasting sentences.
And we can also use whereas in written or formal English.

  • I am poor, whereas my brothers are very rich.
  • Sugar is sweet, whereas lemons are sour.
  • Martin is very tall, whereas his bother is short and fat.
  • John's job is very interesting and relaxed, whereas my job is boring and stressful.
  • I did't enjoy the movie, whereas my girlfriend thought it was great.
  • My new car is reliable and economical, whereas my old car was unreliable and expensive to run.
  • My father used to walk to work, whereas nowadays he use the car.

Note: We should always use a comma between the contrasting sentences.

Some people believe that schools are responsible for the behavior of their students, whereas others argue that discipline is the responsibility of parents.

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